That is site 24. Water and electric only but what a view. We were just at this site for 3 nights then had to move to site 7 for 3 days
We were here to visit my nephew and his sweet little family
There is no AT&T cell service, but Hiawatha's verizon worked great. So if you are in the area of Eastern South Carolina don't rely on your cell phone map service if you have AT&T.
We left this morning and drove about 200 miles to Waynesville, NC and are staying at our usual campground Pride Resort. It is very convenient to I-40
We got here early enough that we were able to run into Maggie Valley to the Wheels Thru Time museum. If you are a motorcycle enthusiast you will love this place. It also has a few old cars.
1954 was a very good year
The first motorized ice cycle
A few pics from Pride RV
Tomorrow ....home