Thursday, February 11, 2016

Manatees to Commune

We took a road trip to Manatee springs Lee Co Park. This park has water runoff from a power plant so it is warm and the manatees love it in the winter. There are hundreds of manatees. We are anxious to take the kayaks to the park!

The park is packed with people coming to see the manatees

After this we rode on down the road to the Koreshan State Historic Site. What a neat place!
Basically Dr Cyrus Teed thought that the universe existed in a hollow sphere and he started a commune settlement of followers to his New Jerusalem. Read about it when you get a chance

I don't know how these trees keep from falling over!

This flower is from the African Tulip Tree

And we ended the road trip with a great meal at Cracker Barrel

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