Monday, April 17, 2017

Gallup, NM Spetember 24, 2016

At Gallup we went to the Richardson's Trading Post.  We had a very informative lecture on Navaho rugs.  Several folks on our caravan bought rugs, but it just isn't our style. 

Using Gallup as a base, we drove to El Morro National Monument.    It was quite a hike to the top of the monument, but we made it.  Traveling in the southwest is not for those with a fear of heights or of falling.  Or maybe it could be an area that you overcome such fears, as I did.
           There is our target.  Going to be a nice climb and a "stay away from the edge" sort of area..                         

Steps already!

We might make it!

A bonus...ruins along the way

We ran into our friends, the Dions, along the way

More steps!

"Stay away from the edge"

I made it!

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