Saturday, January 16, 2016


Don't hang your feet off the kayak in Southern Florida!

If he will leave me alone, I will leave him alone;  he is a big one!

We had our shuffleboard club matches today; my teams lost all 3 of the matches, Hiawatha only lost 2 of his matches.  I am going to have to practice more!

It was so nice and hot today.  We spent a couple of hours in the pool and hot tub!

Hiawatha had a bad Charlie horse in his leg last night, so the hot tub really helped him feel better.

I got over 10,000 steps today and rode my bike a lot.  I think that I might invest in a speedometer for my bike so that I can keep up with my mileage.

We walked to the docks a few times today and watch the boats and some of the campers fishing.

There is a camper parked in another section of the park that has a hologram of Jesus lit up in the front window of their motor home and it follows you as you walk by.  I didn't have my phone with me so I didn't get a picture of it.  I may try another night if they are still here.

We watched the miserable excuse of the UK/Auburn ballgame.  Hiawatha was not a happy camper!

Gonna have some more storms tonight, so we have everything stowed away.

Until tomorrow....

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