We decided to hike the Emerald Pool trail and the connector trail to the Grotto trail. I am glad that we went early in the morning because it was getting really hot and crowded as we were finishing.
There were 3 areas with waterfalls. Not much water moving, but we walked under it to cool off.
Another tunnel, but Hiawatha was fine with this one1
There were lot of cacti. The grow really big out here.
We are almost to the bottom of the trail and Sue lost her water bottle over the edge and had to retrieve it. It was a joint effort since we made a chain to hold her while she reached over the edge.
You can see why they call them mule deer. Those ears!
This tunnel is in the park and is a little ovder a mile long and can be a pain since they have to hold the traffic on each side to let the larger vehicles through. You have to pay to tow a trailer or drive a large vehicle thru.
Checkerboard mountain
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