Saturday, June 25, 2016


We stayed at the Golden Nugget RV park.   Just over $40 full hookup.  We went to the aviation museum. It was really neat because the planes were either float or ski. Lots of aviation history in Alaska.

Hiawatha got in some simulator time

This is the vehicle that they use to move the float planes around. 

Too bad air travel isn't this spacious

We went to the Alaskan native heritage center. It was a rainy day and a lot of it was outside but it is a really neat place. I learned a lot about the native culture. 

The Orthodox Church is prominent in Alaska

Whale bones

Family is so important to the natives

We ate lunch at the center. Hunters stew. 
Made with caribou meat. It was so good. 

We drove to Earthquake park. I can't imagine what it would have been like to experience the 1964 earthquake 

The earthquake happened on Good Friday. 

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