Monday, June 6, 2016

Goodbye Denali

Yesterday we drove to the head of the savage river trail and came upon these guys

 I don't know how they carry around those huge antlers. Hiawatha and I only got half way into the trail when it started pouring rain, so we headed back. I snapped a pic of a few of the flowers along the way

This morning the moose and her calfs came to tell us goodbye. I can't believe that she was so much taller than the truck
And that was a big 4 wheel drive truck. 

We left Denali and headed for Anchorage. The drive was almost as scenic as the Icefields Parkway in Canada

The top pic is our view of Denali and the bottom half is what it should look like on a clear day

We could see the base of Denali from this stop!

Sweet dreams from Wasilla!

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