Saturday, July 2, 2016

Chicken, Top of the World Hwy

To get to Chicken you travel about 150 miles on a dirt road.  In summer there are 23 residents and 7 in the winter. We stayed at the Gold Rush Campground.  No hookups $20.  For only $10 you cam pan for gold. What a strange little town.

This chicken, the town monument, is made from old school lockers. 

Of course, everything is chicken themed
Where we ate chicken pot pie, of course
Then just for fun

An old gold dredge 
The next day brought rain and a 100 mile drive thru the mud. It took up 8 hrs to drive this road. It was very steep in places. This is called The Top of the World Hwy. 

Of course it had to rain which really added to the fun
It was grueling and it doest help that I have caught Hiawatha's summer cold and feel pretty rough.

I was so happy to finally see the ferry into Dawson city. You can't get into Dawson City from the Top of the World hey without getting on this free ferry

And this is what Lulu looked like this morning even after it rained all night

Sweet dreams from the Top of the World!

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