Thursday, May 5, 2016

Ho, ho, ho

And it isn't Santa Claus..we are at Blue Earth, Mn. The home of the Jolly Green Giant. We are in a nine site campground at their fairgrounds. Full hook up and the price for one day is FREE!  Nice little historic area and within walking distance to the Jolly Green Giant (we plan to walk over there in the morning so pics will be online tomorrow). A walmart is just across the street and this cg is just over a mile off I-90. A real deal!

I forgot to mention what really nice welcome centers and rest areas that Iowa has. Here we are parked in front of one

It also has a cute casino that we toured but didn't play

I loved these door handles into the casino

Sweet dreams from Mn!  Oh yeah, i forgot to mention the language barrier we are up against here..they talk funny 😳

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