Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Today was very, very windy. You really have to pay attention to the weather reports when towing in this area; glad we didn't try it today.   We decided to tour the town of Keystone. It is just a mile or so from Mount Rushmore. It is a quaint little gold mining town.

This guy was blocking the road on our way to Keystone. You really have to be alert for wildlife in the area.

We toured a beautiful old school

I remember these wall maps from my grade school days

You can see Mount Rushmore

Just kidding. You really can see Mount Rushmore from the road to Keystone

It is really cold here. If it weren't for the constant reminder of God's handiwork; I would really wonder what in the world I am doing in this cold place!  I miss my flip flops!!

Sweet dreams from Keystone, SD

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