Saturday, January 23, 2016

Are We in Kansas?

Gee, the wind has been unreal today. Everybody has their awning closed and all outdoor stuff secured!

Since outdoor play was out of the question we went shopping and just looking around. I did manage to get over 11,000 steps; most of it holding onto my cap!  No bike riding today.

Dinner was at Culvers and then we walked down to the boat dock to see the beautiful full moon.

Hopefully tomorrow is going to be the last of the wind and cool temps. 
Hiawatha is busy learning how to whittle. I think he is going to be good at it. We went to Michaels and bought him a bag of wood to work on with my 40% off coupon. 
This pic is just another section of this campground. The sites are more spacious than the historic section that we are staying in and there is another section that has even larger sites. We like it over here in the historic section. We are close to everything

More tomorrow if we don't blow away!

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