Friday, January 15, 2016

Rain, rain, rain

It poured rain here this morning.  It didn't let up until about noon, so walking was out of the question.  When it finally quit we went into Port Charlotte so Hiawatha could get a much needed haircut and I could make a run to the grocery.

The rain made the river really high and it was almost up to the top of the dock when the tide was high. 

We rode our bikes for a while and then we played a practice round on the shuffleboard court in preparation for our matches tomorrow.  I beat Hiawatha, BAD!

At four we had our Southern States dinner and get together.   The food was ...wait for it..chicken..what else!

We won two door prizes...Hiawatha won a scratch off lottery ticket and I won free ice cream from the campground store.

We walked a little after the dinner, but it got dark, so we just got 7000 steps today...Guess we will have too make up for it tomorrow!

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