Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Bike Day

LWe left our bike baskets at home.  Baskets are really handy, so we decided to go and buy a couple.  We went all over looking for me a basket that didn't cost a fortune....but most places like Walmart were sold out.  We went to target and finally found one at Kmart.  I also figured out that I needed a bell because everybody on the trail had one but me and I needed a new mirror.  We are also still looking at bike racks.  It is just too hard to get them up in the back of the truck with the top on the truck.

When we were in town we passed this restaurant
Moes is a favorite place of my little nephew Kash. When you go into Moes the workers yell "welcome to Moes" so Kash called it "welcome to Moes". So cute!

We practiced our shuffleboard today and split the matches.

Tonight we had bingo, but once again we didn't  bingo. Maybe next wednesday will be lucky.

I got just over 13,000 steps. Discouraging that i havent lost a pound😰

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