Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Watercolor is a very quaint little town about 10 miles from this park.  It is a beautiful, new looking, community with very odd shops and restaurants.  

We stopped by Pickles and had key lime pie dipped in chocolate and on a stick. It was good but too rich. One would have been plenty for both of us.
We came back to the campground and got our 10,000 steps in and i got in some good skype time with my favorite granddaughter
Then we decided to eat out and went to a local place called Louie Louies.  I had crabcakes and Hiawatha ordered gumbo and seafood pasta!  It was very good and very expensive. They carried this chalk board to your table with the menu on it which was good because it was so dark in there we couldnt have read a menu if the had one!
Now we are too full to move!

Until tomorrow..... 

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