Thursday, January 21, 2016

Getting better

I had zumba again this morning and it seemed a little easier. Still plenty exhausting. Right after zumba we had shuffleboard club matches. We are getting better.  Hiawatha won 2 of the 3 matches he played in and I won 1 out of 3.  Maybe the practice is helping. 

I did some laundry that i couldnt wash in the campet so my little red wagon was in order.....

We went and got the bike tack put on today. We put it on the back while we are waiting for our front hitch to come in. It is just too hard for us to lift the bikes up into the back of the truck. Pics tomorrow

When I cook in the camper this is what I have to do before I start
The fish truck came today. 
Crab cakes today were great!

Until tomorrow.... Stay warm all my northern friends and family!

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