Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Retirement is Killing Us!

Today we got up bright and early for the coffee and announcements session.  We decided to go with the bike club on their ride today instead of playing with the shuffleboard club.

The ride was on the Pioneer Heritage Trail and it was 16 miles round trip.  The first 8 miles wasn't too bad.  We all stopped at the Fishery to eat lunch.  It was too good.  I had gumbo and crab/avacodo salad and Hiawatha had gumbo and Alligator trail.


The trip back from eating lunch was a little harder since it was against the wind.  By the time we were within two miles of the parking area we were getting pretty tired and a little giddy

The trail was flat and an easy ride...we are just a lot out of shape!

We did see some really neat things on the trail.  The largest Blue Heron that I have ever seen
And a really huge Eagles nest with some cute little eagles peaking over the side.  If I go again  I will take my binoculars!

It was another fun filled busy day and I have baked chicken in the oven and corn muffins in the convection oven.......Later

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